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The MVP Marketplace

Full Spectrum CBD 2X Strength
  • Full Spectrum CBD 2X Strength


    A full-spectrum 2x strength ultra-pure formula with 600mg hemp extract per bottle.  Our super-concentrated hemp oil extract is certified organic, purified of heavy metals down to parts per billion, and assayed for 24 pesticides with negative results for all.


    We use a super critical CO2 extraction method which provides the cleanest and purest tasting extract because there is no solvent remaining in the product (no butane or ethanol).


    There is very little smell and very mild taste.  Many patients who object to the taste and smell of hemp-based products have been very pleased with this formulation due to the lack of taste and smell.‡


    1 fluid oz | 20mg per 30 drops (1 dropper). 30 doses per bottle.

    • NOTE:

      Manufactured in a US FDA inspected facility.  GMP Compliant.   Purity and Potency Guaranteed!   We use the highest quality raw materials available. Testing is done at various stages of production.

      ‡ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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